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How to Punch Through Failure


This is Day Eighteen in the 30 Days of Reinvention Video Series [#30DaysReinvention].

Adopt behaviors that make failure a learning exercise.


Hey it’s Rand,

Don’t let fear prevent you from doing what you need to do to have an impact.

One of our biggest fears is the fear of failure. You need to comfortably face this fear and there are behaviours you should adopt to help you punch through failure.

Firstly, fail fast and succeed slow.

Don’t be afraid to experiment. Most successful leaders failed  multiple time before they had a success.

Robert Kiyosaki says, “Failure is part of the process of success. People who avoid failure also avoid success.”

Secondly, succeed and then fail.

A big success can hold us to a high bar of what success is. This can make us less open to failure. Put your ego aside, lower your benchmarks and be prepared to fail before your next success.

This will relieve the pressure, and allow you to iterate more with more chance of magic happening.

Winston Churchill said, “Success is not final, failure is not fatal.”

Thirdly, get into failure flow.

Be mindful of failure, because failing without learning is a wasteful exercise.

Try to be aware of what is happening as a project fails. If you are in failure flow you will see the elements that lead to failure as if in slow motion.

Henry Ford said, “The only real mistake is the one from which we learn nothing.”

Fourthly, only fail when you cannot succeed.

Let’s face it, failure sucks. It sets you back. It impacts the lives of people who believe in you. It impacts the lives of people who rely on you.

Have grit and persistence  and don’t choose failure as an easy way out when the going gets tough.

Fifthly, fail resiliently.

Get up, take the hit and move forward.

When you fail and I hope you will, how do you treat it?

Yep, your heard right: I want you to fail; I want you to fail often!


Because every failure brings you one step closer to success.

How you deal with each failure, big or small, determines whether you will succeed.

CS Lewis said, Failures are finger posts on the road to achievement.”

How to Unleash Your Potential


Think about this for a moment. When we are young we dream impossible dreams, but as we get older these can be all but knocked out of us:  perhaps by societally induced constraints; perhaps by our parents’ ambitions for us, perhaps by our peer group’s limiting beliefs, perhaps by our inherited dogma, or perhaps by our upbringing.

You know the score: as we hit failures, feel pushed outside our comfort zone, and get older, we start to develop a series of self-limitations that can hold us back from using even more.

Sadly, we might believe we’ve missed the boat, that we’re not capable enough, or don’t have the right personality or social set to attain success.

Don’t worry. There’s a solution. The good news is that we are all born with the powers we need to achieve our absolute potential.

What if I could show you how to be fierce and harness your super powers to reinvent your life, and through them, achieve your absolute potential, as if born again, without constraints?

Would you be in?

Let me lead you through my new book, Fierce Reinvention: A Guide to Harnessing Your Superpowers for Entrepreneurial and Leadership Success ($11.99 digital, $15.99 print (USD), October 2017), which is available from Amazon.

How to Find Your Trajectory Trigger


This is Day Nineteen in the 30 Days of Reinvention Video Series [#30DaysReinvention].

Boost yourself onto a higher growth trajectory.


Hey it’s Rand,

If things don’t work out for whatever reason, you have failed only if you don’t try again.

In your journey as a leader, you can expect to lower case fail many times

An upper case Fail would take place were you to check out, completely.

And so I’d argue there is Universal Failure Rule which states you will never Fail if you never give up.

You choose which side of the fine line you find yourself on – success or failure – by your courage in the face of both adversity and uncertainty and also how you choose to visualise yourself.

Do you see yourself succeeding or failing?

What factors determine which side of this fence you are on?

What if you removed those factors?

What if you reversed them?

  • I don’t have the skills
  • I have the skills
  • I don’t have the resources
  • I have abundant resources

Removed or reversed, would you still see yourself the same way?

Sometimes no matter what you do, you feel stuck: you feel like you are stagnating.

What can you do that will trigger an increase in velocity?

What can you do that will boost you on to a higher growth trajectory?

Your ego may want you to stay on your current path, but your soul has work to do.

Listen, carefully, for that quiet inner voice. It will identify what your trajectory trigger is.

That event which will empower you to step up to a whole new level.

It is no easy task to identify this trigger, but one trick is to do a little reverse engineering

What difference can you make in the world?

That would be a clear message that you are on a higher path?

Find that and it may point out what your trigger is.

Four Key Reasons for Being Happy That Will Ensure Your Success


We’ve all been there: we want to be successful and happy, we want to enjoy doing a great job – yet for many people these remain amongst our most elusive goals. We flit between moments of illusory happiness and dulling pain, we glimpse true joy in the eyes of others, very rarely in our own. Yet at the same time, overextension has become the norm—we are always on, always chasing deadlines, always checking in.

Let’s dive in: happiness can be defined as an emotion of overarching positivity.

Remarkably, yet contrary to popular belief, happiness leads to success, not the other way around.

If you are constantly chasing success over happiness you will reach a point where you realise that outwardly defined success and the trappings of wealth often come with an inward tax in the form of burnout, isolation, and overwhelming stress. Sadly, this tax is incremental and you may not notice it until it is too late and their negative effects on your body and your performance are irreversible.

Think about it, you are far better off practising happiness and then finding success, rather than sacrificing happiness in the hope of achieving success. Put it another way, delayed gratification is not a wise strategy.

So it all adds up to this: happiness is important for four reasons:

  1. Improving emotional balance by providing a buffer against, and reducing, the

impact of stressors.

  1. Sparking connections in our brain that foster agility and creativity.
  2. Improving core body functions, such as cardiovascular flow, immune system

function, and inflammation reduction.

  1. Increasing the intensity of social interactions, in contrast to anxiety and

depression, which induce self-centeredness.

It’s that simple, get these four things right and your optimise your performance and, as a result, improve the probability that you will be successful.

But be warned: you may find yourself redefining what success looks like for you. You may find that fame, notoriety and material wealth become far less important to you than being happy and experiencing joy.

Find out how to follow your heart and find new happiness and fulfilment in my new book, Fierce Reinvention: A Guide to Harnessing Your Superpowers for Entrepreneurial and Leadership Success ($11.99 digital, $15.99 print (USD), October 2017) is available from Amazon.


How to Deal With the Dark Side of Success


This is Day Twenty in the 30 Days of Reinvention Video Series [#30DaysReinvention].

Avoid the depressing effect of success by setting off on a meaningful quest and tackling your triggers.


Hey it’s Rand,

Success can come with a dark side: successful people are more prone to depression and loneliness; success can act as a depressogen, causing depression.

Why is success such a lonely place?

Once we are successful, the Expectations don’t stop. They get higher.

This is true for our expectations and for the expectations placed on us by others.

Once we are successful the stakes get higher. There can be so much more at stake: there can be so many more people reliant on our continued success.

At any given time you are only ever a heartbeat away from failure, and the press love a rise and fall story.

Subconsciously, you may see or read of others who have fallen from grace and the pressure on you mounts up.

What can you do to deal with the dark side of success?

The first thing you can do is to embark on quest-centred therapy.

Figure out something you want to achieve, for example, being at peace with yourself. And then set off on a quest to achieve your objective. As you go, mark your journey and your progress with small wins.

Each of these wins will stave off the darkness in small amounts at first, but cumulatively the process of being involved with a quest that has meaning for you will help you deal with the dark side.

Secondly, instead of avoiding the dark times, explore them by delving into your past and present. Confront the fear wrapped in those dark moments and this will lead you to the third activity – tackling your negative triggers.

Sometimes things happen in our lives that for most people would be viewed as slightly or somewhat negative, but for some reason we view them as off the charts negative.

These are your negative triggers and when they are sparked they can send you into a downward spiral of negativity that can impact your entire life.

By exploring your dark side you become more aware of these triggers and  what sparks them off. Your aim should be to tackle them  as early as possible. Preferably before they start having an impact.

How to Find Your Soul Voice


This is Day Twenty One in the 30 Days of Reinvention Video Series [#30DaysReinvention].

Break the vicious cycle of busyness and delayed joy.


Hey it’s Rand,

It can take months, even years to reinvent yourself.

The journey usually starts with a sense of the collapse of your ego structure.

Something much deeper within you seeks to voice itself. Think of this as your soul voice.

At this point you begin to recalibrate the structures that surround you. To align with your soul voice.

You may need to change:

  • your workplace
  • your community
  • your activities.

The catalyst for starting this journey may be a profound feeling of apathy; it may be a feeling of anger or even isolation.

Whatever it is that signals the breaking of the vicious cycle of busyness and delayed joy for you, you should welcome it with open arms.

My near death experience broke my vicious cycle: I still get goose bumps thinking about it; I was able to still my busy mind and focus inward; I peeled back layer upon layer, until all that remained was my inner voice; with constant exercise it became stronger, and as it did I became calmer and more attuned to the universe. For the first time, pure joy entered my life.

Be aware that the journey of reinvention can be a painful time, filled with confusion and fear; repressed feelings can flood into your consciousness; moments of uncertainty about the path forward can hinder your progress.

But it is such a worthwhile journey. Instead of being filled with your own joyless noise, you will begin to listen at a deeper level. And you will start to hear what the people around you are really saying.

Invest the time to determine what excites you; invest the time to determine what delivers you real meaning; work on that the rest of your life.

This work’s true value is fulfilment and inner joy. This work is priceless.


Want to Exist in the Now, Be Happy and Less Stressed?


As revealed in my new book, Fierce Reinvention, there are three things you can do to increase your ‘now’ time.

Now time is good for you because it raises your happiness levels, helps you to de-stress and decreases the amount of negative chatter in your mind.

So let’s get started:

  1. Minimize the potential for distractions

Perhaps unsurprisingly, you can minimize the potential for distractions by keeping an uncluttered workspace, placing your mobile phone on silent and, while you are wanting to focus, removing any form of email or social notification and abstaining from accessing any form of social media.

  1. Create focus time

No doubt about it, you can create focus time by allocating calendar slots for progressing your prioritized projects and then sticking to them. Within these 90-minute slots make sure to take a 10-minute break mid way to stretch, look at the horizon and breathe in the world around you.

Give the task your full attention and notice when your mind wanders. Acknowledge the intruding thought and gently, but fiercely return your mind to the task at hand.

  1. Build a “now” practice

Wham! There is no end point you are trying to get to when practicing living in the now. It is all about building up to a regular practice of now-related behaviors.

And boom! You’re there: the more you practice being present, in the now, the better you will become at achieving this depth of focus.

The result? You may also start to notice the compulsions to ‘quickly check’ your email or your social media feed become weaker. As your practice grows the intruding thoughts won’t be as loud and they will arrive less often and with less fanfare, and you will easily be able to shuffle them on and stay focused. This indicates that you are positively shifting your behavior and strengthening your ‘now’ practice.

Taken from my new book, Fierce Reinvention: A Guide to Harnessing Your Superpowers for Entrepreneurial and Leadership Success ($11.99 digital, $15.99 print (USD), October 2017) is available from Amazon.

How to be Happier


This is Day Twenty Two in the 30 Days of Reinvention Video Series [#30DaysReinvention].

Live more in the now.


Hey, it’s Rand,

We all want to be successful and happy, we all want to enjoy doing a great job, yet for the vast majority of people these remain amongst our most elusive goals.

 We flit between moments of illusory happiness and moments of dulling pain, glimpsing true joy in the eyes of others, yet very rarely in our own.

Overextension has become the norm: we are always on; always chasing deadlines; always checking in.

Even though happiness can feel ephemeral and elusive, there is a simple formula you can apply to increase the amount of time you are happy:

happiness is living in the now + being resilient

 Existing in the now, we are more attentive, engaged and at our happiest.

What can you do to increase you now time?

What can you do to exist more in the now?

Firstly, you can minimise the potential for distractions: by keeping an uncluttered workspace; by placing your mobile phone on silent and, while you are wanting to focus, by removing any form of email or social notification and abstaining from accessing any form of social media.

Secondly you can create more focus time by allocating  90 minute calendar slots to progressing your priority projects and then sticking to them.

Give each task your full attention and notice when your mind wanders, acknowledge that intruding thought, and return your mind to the task at hand.

And thirdly you can build a now practice.

 The more you practice being present, in the now, the better you will become at achieving a depth of focus.

As you build a regular practice of being in the now you will start to notice your compulsions to quickly check your email and your social media feed become weaker, you will start to notice that intruding thoughts won’t be as loud and they will arrive  less often and with less fanfare, and you will more easily be able to shuffle them on and stay focused.

When you find yourself at this point you will know that you have strengthened your ‘now’ practice.

How to Breathe in More Resilience


This is Day Twenty Three in the 30 Days of Reinvention Video Series [#30DaysReinvention].

Reduce stress and build resilience through breathing techniques.


Hey, it’s Rand,

The second element in the happiness algorithm is being resilient, and the most effective method to build up resilience is to breathe.

By controlling your breathing patterns you alter your emotions and induce stress reduction.

When I was in the military I trained myself to deal with stress but taking a deep breath

and letting it out slowly.  This would help to reduce my anxiety about a stressful situation

and it also increased my clarity of thought so that I could determine how to deal with a sticky situation in the most effective way.

Extending your inhalation and exhalation for just 10 minutes a day can bring noticeable relaxation.

By engaging in deep abdominal breathing you stimulate your vagus nerve, which acts to calm your stress induced fight or flight response. Breathing deeply into your abdominal chamber involves expanding your diaphragm, which is the muscle that sits lengthwise between your stomach and chest.

Reduce your number of breaths by 50% per minute, long and slow 4 to 5 second in breaths and then 4 to 5 second out breaths. Preferably your exhalations should be slightly longer than your inhalations.

Try it now.

Take a deep breath in, hold and then let it out slowly.


Take a deep breath in, hold and let it out slowly.


Resume normal breathing.

Try that for a series of 6 cycles over the next week and notice how your body changes: your posture will relax; you will feel more focused.

Here’s How Positive Visualization Can Help You Achieve Anything


The truth is that the more you visualize a goal or outcome in advance, the more ability you have of achieving it.

Here’s the secret: visualization is a super power that’s been used by many elite sportspeople, business and other leaders to achieve success.

So, let’s take a closer look at visualization in action.

First of all, a golfer may see where they want the ball to end up, mapping in their mind its trajectory and how it will land. Ahead of a competition, a successful golfer will spend as much time visualizing how they are going to play each hole on the course as they would practising each shot.

Similarly, an executive may have a mental playbook of operating a business far in advance of them actually doing so.

What’s the magic formula? Our default mental state is one of negativity. Our discursive internal chatter constantly runs negative scenarios through our mind. And so, by visualizing success we rewire our thinking and positively align ourselves to achieve our goals.

It sounds simple. And it is. But it is also extremely powerful. The trick is to constantly practice positive visualization.

 Learn more about visualization and other super powers in my new book , Fierce Reinvention: A Guide to Harnessing Your Superpowers for Entrepreneurial and Leadership Success ($11.99 digital, $15.99 print (USD), October 2017), which is available from Amazon.

How to Increase Your Life Purpose


This is Day Twenty Four in the 30 Days of Reinvention Video Series [#30DaysReinvention].

Find more purpose by continuously evolving and growing.


Hey, it’s Rand,

On a scale of 1 to 10 how much life purpose do you have?

Consider Loic, he is a proximity flyer. That means he dons a wing suit and jumps off mountains. After an initial freefall to achieve optimal acceleration speed his suit inflates.

 He then hurtles downward at a speed of more than 50 m a second. The smallest error on his part can be catastrophic.

He has had a lot of friends die. He isn’t playing golf, right.

But for him, this is life. For him this is living.

He watched his grandmother die of cancer and says he cannot imagine anything worse.

What is important is how you live.

Death is inevitable.

He says he doesn’t care where or how he dies, those details are not relevant.

For Loic, life is all about purpose. If he is following his true purpose then whether he lives or dies is neither here nor there.

He says that we are evolving, through technology and through skill. He likens what he is doing in proximity flying to the first animals that left the water.

They are evolving and growing. And becoming stronger.

What else is the purpose of life?

Another proximity flyer, Ellen says, “Do you want to go work your ass off, never get out of that hole and exist knowing that this is all that you ever have apart from maybe two weeks vacation every summer?”

Ellen says, “That’s not what I want. I want to do things that people tell me I can’t do and that domestic grind to me is not the life I want to live.”

Now ask yourself again: on a scale from 1 to 10, how much life purpose do you have?

If you are truthful to your inner soul and find yourself further left on the life purpose spectrum than you initially thought then you’ve got some work to do.

How to Use the Power of Visualization


This is Day Twenty Five in the 30 Days of Reinvention Video Series [#30DaysReinvention].

Achieve more by visualizing success in advance.


Hey, it’s Rand,

Years ago I became national champion in a very athletic sporting event that also included a fair amount of strategy.

In addition to rigorous physical training I maintained a daily positive visualisation practice.

Picturing myself winning, was as powerful as actually practicing.

The more you visualise a goal or outcome in advance, the more ability you have of achieving it.

 But bear in mind that your mind’s DNA, the way that it thinks, can either express itself negatively or positively.

If you visualise a disaster, guess what, you will most likely end up with a disaster.

But if you can visualise how a situation will play out as a success then you’re putting a positive spin on it and shifting your inner voice to a positive feel about that event this will cause every single fibre of your being to shift positively as well.

If you don’t make positive visualisation a daily practice, then your default negative voice will kick in and override any visualisation work you may have done previously.

Don’t think that once you are successful this all goes away. Even the most successful people in the world grapple with this on a daily basis. The table stakes simply get higher. If you fail after a big success, you fall harder.

Consider your goals of consequence and visualize being successful with them first. From there, cascade down into your daily activities and  visualise success with them.

You want to have a positive frame of mind all the way from your high-level goals down to your daily activities.

 if you have a positive view on a meeting, but a negative view over all, that will negatively impact the meeting. It may not totally cancel out the positive thoughts you have conjured up, but at the very least it will become a source of confusion for other participants who will pick up on your mixed messages. Aim to have that positive expression cascading all the way by visualising  how the meeting will turn out and thinking positively on a constant basis at different times during the day.

How to Exponentialize Your Performance


This is Day Twenty Six in the 30 Days of Reinvention Video Series [#30DaysReinvention].

Set a guiding principle, lift your game and your focus.


Hey, it’s Rand,

What’s your transformational question?

For the Greek mythological hero, Odysseus, the question was,“Where is true home?”

This became his guiding principle as he laboured, day in day out, on his epic quest.

To exponentialize your performance you need to set that guiding principle and take one small step forward, and then another, and before you know it, you will have established something unique that the world has never seen.

Your transformational question will kickstart your passion and provide the impetus  to take that first step.

Odysseus didn’t answer his transformational question overnight and neither will you. It will take hard work, long hours and persistence.

To remain in pursuit of your goal set smaller milestones that you can achieve each year, as making progress in 2 to 3 things at a time will prevent you from feeling stuck.

What is your first milestone?

You also need to make a psychological shift and step up into the ranks of elite performer,

which requires being very deliberate  with the things you’re saying and doing. It also requires you to not have to prove yourself or come across as trying too hard, and you need to feel like you belong, you need to feel that you are entitled to be where you are.

Can you find your authentic and unique voice?

Think of yourself as a force. Can you visualise this force?

How strong is it?

As you settled in for the long haul?

That’s good, but don’t settle in too much or you will create ruts. If you don’t push yourself hard enough you will become too comfortable and dig a deeper and deeper rut that will be very hard to escape from.

Don’t expect to feel 100% secure. if you’re not somewhat scared you will become complacent and your inspiration will wane.

Is the fear always there?

How strong is it?

Exponentializing requires you to lift your game and focus. Reduce the things that you don’t need, create a solid core of who you are, both as a person and as an elite performer, and become aware of any compulsions or rabbit holes.

By focusing on what you fundamentally believe to be important you can avoid being sucked into one of these rabbit holes.

What are you doing to ensure you actively engage in your journey?

Are you sure you aren’t leaving anything to chance?

Listen to your self talk. Is it your worst critic? Do you constantly engage in negative thought patterns? Visualise yourself on a higher level and  create the right thinking patterns to get you there.

Lastly, remember that what you put in, is what you get out and ensure you optimise your inputs. get the right level of nutrients from your diet, breathe deeply to optimise your oxygen intake.

The more physically active you are, the more focus you will have. And sleep more so you can build both body and mind muscle.

Here’s Why It’s Time to Find Your Soul Work


Sarah Francis is a winemaker. She lives in Calistoga in the beautiful Napa Valley region of California. At least it was beautiful when she started making wine there eight years ago. Today part of it resembles a war zone. A fire ripped through the region in October, causing untold death and destruction.

Yet Sarah has continued making wine. She tells us that she is just as excited and blessed as she was on the first day she made her first wine.

That feeling has never left her: it makes her weep; it sends her to her knees; and it answers her soul’s beckoning.

Her advice is for you to find your soul’s work.

First she points to the wise words of Howard Thurman: “Do not ask what the world needs, instead find what makes you come alive and go do this, because what the world needs is people who have come alive.

And then Sarah says, “A vineyard helped me come alive! I’ve never been more joyful than now!”

Isn’t it time YOU came alive. Isn’t it time you focused on your SOUL WORK!

How to Amplify Your Impact


This is Day Twenty Seven in the 30 Days of Reinvention Video Series [#30DaysReinvention].

Harness the Power of Contagion.


Hey, it’s Rand,

You may be doing wonderful things in the world already, but if no one knows about them, if no one knows about you, it can be very difficult to attract the right resources around yourself to amplify your impact.

 You need to develop your personal brand and harness the power of contagion.

 There are six rules to creating contagion:

Firstly, embrace messy.

 The real world isn’t a clean, ordered place. Embrace the messy bits  and do things even if you’re not yet perfect at them.

Show up and push the edges.

 Secondly, release control.

Give up control over your brand to your followers and let them evangelise for you. You will be pleasantly surprised at the results.

Thirdly, you need to back fires.

Pour small amounts of gasoline on the fires that you already have burning, rather than pumping gallons onto large logs that haven’t been tested.

 Fourthly, scare yourself.

Look for issues that take you out of your comfort zone  and tackle them.

If you go right to the edge and really scare yourself, it will then be easier to then deal with the smaller issues closer into your comfort zone.

 The fifth rule of contagion is to solve small.

Give your followers small problems to solve. This gets them used to working with you to build your brand and once you have established a pattern of problem-solving you can ratchet up the size of the problems you offer to your followers.

The sixth rule is to hook into virality.

You need to create a viral coefficient that is greater than one as this means that every person who hears about your personal brand in what you are doing immediately tells a minimum of two friends or colleagues who in turn going to tell two more, which eventually exponentialises into a huge following.

The trick to having a positive viral coefficient is to create a viral loop that has the minimum number of steps in it before that one person passes on the message of your great work to others.

How to Change Your Relationship To Negative Feelings


This is Day Twenty Eight in the 30 Days of Reinvention Video Series [#30DaysReinvention].

Empower yourself by creating a space between action and emotion.


Meditation is a powerful way of forming a different relationship to things you are feeling or experiencing.

At first this changed relationship will be true only during meditation, but over time you can extend and expand this relationship into your everyday life.

think of a recent feeling of irritation you had  for somebody or something.

What is your relationship to that feeling?

Are you stuck with that feeling?

Is it replaying over and over in your mind?

This constant replay is a form of reinforcement. Neuroplasticity works both ways: delivering either positive or negative change  to your brain’s neural structure and function.

Can you step back from that feeling?

Start by recognising it, and then deconstruct it into its various elements.

Can you now start to change your thinking about that feeling?

Hold back your initial troubled reaction to it and replace it with a sense of calm, replace it with a sense of spaciousness.

Does this create a space between the act of doing or not doing and your feeling toward it?

Does it help you separate out the action and the emotion it initially gave rise to?

Your aim is to reach a point where you no longer reinforce the negative and instead you link that difficult feeling with the deep well of open, untroubled awareness that exists within yourself,

This leads to a relaxation of the need to react to that negative feeling and immediately disempowers that feeling.

You will find yourself less controlled by such feelings. You’ll find yourself less in fear of being in situations that may give rise to them and therefore less likely to avoid such circumstances.

This is at the heart of being fierce.

When you are more relaxed overall you find yourself being less fatigued, you find yourself being more productive,  you find yourself being more emotionally intelligent and you find yourself making more strategic decisions.

This is at the heart of being a better leader.

Understanding that you can change your brain through your mind you are empowered to transform your life.

Meditation Can Make You A Better Leader. Here’s How…


The good news is that meditation can benefit us in three ways:

  1. It can treat depression and reduce stress,
  2. It can raise our happiness set point, and
  3. It can help make us a better leader.

I touch on meditation, mindfulness and the power of living in the now in my new book Fierce Reinvention, which also includes a guided meditation exercise so that you can feel this power first hand.

Think of meditation as the process of substituting your discursive mind with another object of attention, such as your breath, a chant or a sound. It’s that simple.

But beware, meditation is not a form of self-help in who to become or how to be.

Here’s the kicker: meditation is a path of fierceness, reinvention, and wisdom; it is a path to help us discover who we truly are, not who we are expected to be because of some internal or external agenda.

What’s the magic formula?

Meditation requires us to be fierce, because it can be anything but peaceful. In meditation we don’t shut out anything that comes up no matter how uncomfortable we may feel with an emotion, memory, or thought that arrives while we are in this state.

When we meditate we let go of the barriers and walls we have built around us; we stop grasping for things we want and guarding against things we don’t want.

Amazingly, when this happens we come to realize how vulnerable we are; we see vulnerability all around us. And this foundational insight increases our propensity for compassion. And it gets even better because compassion is a gateway to becoming a better leader.

Discover more about meditation, mindfulness and the power of living in the now in my new book, Fierce Reinvention: A Guide to Harnessing Your Superpowers for Entrepreneurial and Leadership Success ($11.99 digital, $15.99 print (USD), October 2017), which is available from Amazon.

How to Meditate More Self-Awareness

How to Make the Shift to Extraordinary Greatness


This is Day Thirty in the 30 Days of Reinvention Video Series [#30DaysReinvention].

Form a pathway to journey on and do extraordinary things.


Hey, it’s Rand,

Over the last 30 days, I’ve provided you with the mindset and tools to kickstart your journey of reinventing yourself.

I encourage you to build on this knowledge base and create your own fierce practice.

Exactly how fierce you are, and how much of a reinvention you undertake depends entirely on you

Will you be fierce?

Will you be fiercer?

Will you be your fiercest self?

The intensity level you choose comes from a place deep inside you: it comes from a place of truth; a place of ultimate authenticity; and a place where you are totally present in all that you do and think.

Being fierce is not about smashing it, owning it or any other form of faux aggression.

There is no ferocity in being fierce only truth.

You should consciously seek and say the truth; you should work on and know your weaknesses; and you should constantly improve  and stretch yourself so that you can make the shift to extraordinary greatness.

You don’t need anyone’s permission  to make this shift,  but there are pathways that can ease your way think of these pathways as being signposted by breadcrumbs, or morsels of permission.

These are the small parts of possible that appear in different places; these are the small parts of possible which appear at different times; and they can be easily missed.

You need to be hyper-aware and mindful of them. You need to assemble them like a puzzle, so that, like magic, these seemingly disparate pieces form a pathway on which you can journey and do extraordinary things.

Making the shift to extraordinary involves granting ourselves and others the permission to shift from  doing things in a linear, constrained way.

It involves approaching apparent dead ends with this mentality and the results will be the opening up of new paths of possibility.

I wish you well on your journey of reinvention, and I extend to you an open invitation to engage with me. Keep me up to date on how your life changes and on the incredible things that happen to  you as your progress your practice of being fierce.

Want to Know the Secret to Being an Extraordinarily Great Leader?


You want to step up, but something always seems to hold you back. Could it be the intensity you bring to achieving your goals? There are ways you can ratchet up your intensity level and achieve extraordinary greatness.

First off, the greater intensity that is required for extraordinary greatness is encapsulated in the mantra: “being fierce.”

In a nutshell, being fierce involves:

  1. coming from a place of truth,
  2. ultimate authenticity, and
  3. being totally present in all that we do and think.

Let’s not forget though that being fierce is not about smashing it, owning it or any other form of faux aggression.

It turns out that consciously seeking and saying the truth involves knowing and working on our weaknesses. Constantly improving and stretching ourselves and our teams is a key element of being fierce and making the shift to extraordinary greatness.

Here’s the secret: extraordinarily great leaders are fierce with the truth. They never let a good story get in the way of telling it as it is. For example, if their business, venture or project is slipping on a deadline they don’t cover this up to the board, investors, or stakeholders. They speak plainly and this empowers their people to do the same. The result is a much more aligned organization that can rally around the problem areas and collectively make that deadline.

And get this: authenticity is Intertwined with fierce truth. We’ve all seen this situation play out: someone in a power role is disingenuous and manipulative with the truth. They may end up getting what they want in the short term, but along the way they lose followers. Inauthentic behaviour is deeply offensive and as humans we disassociate ourselves from it.

The fact is that when we are totally present we are more likely to both be more truthful and to appear more authentic. Again, we’ve all seen this situation play out: you are standing in your manager’s office at work and they aren’t listening to what you are saying. They could be thinking about something important to the business, like achieving the quarter’s looming targets, but you feel that you are being disrespected and made to feel insignificant. It is hard to remain engaged when your manager treats you this way.

But what if you flipped this situation around? Remember how you make your people feel by being fierce with yourself in their presence. Giving them your undivided attention, asking them how they are doing, and watching the beam on their face when they realise that you care about them, as people.


Discover more in my new book, Fierce Reinvention: A Guide to Harnessing Your Superpowers for Entrepreneurial and Leadership Success ($11.99 digital, 15.99 print (USD), October 2017) is available from Amazon.



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